Reservations and Inquiries

TEL 052-414-4367

Please either display this image for the restaurant or print the image and bring to the restaurant.

  • Eat up Genghis Khan at Endonji shopping street!

    • Presentation conditions
      At the time of reservation-
    • Conditions of use

      Can not be used with other tickets / services

    • Expiration date
      Until the end of September 2024

Precautions concerning use

  • Coupon information will be updated. To use coupon, please save the image using a capture tool, print out the image and bring to restaurant.

2023/11/21 update

旅するジンギスカン 生らむバッハ

たびするじんぎすかん なまらむばっは

  • Address
    愛知県名古屋市西区那古野1-20-30 那古野ビル1F
  • Access
    Approximately 17 minutes' walk from Exit 5 of Nagoya Station on the Higashiyama Line / Approximately 9 minutes' walk from Kokusai Center Station on the Sakuradori Line / Approximately 10 minutes' walk from Exit 8 of Marunouchi Station on the Sakuradori Subway Line
  • Tel
  • Business hours
    Mon~Fri: 14:00~22:00 (Food LO 21:30 Drink LO 21:30) Saturdays and days before holidays: 12:00~22:00 (Food LO 21:30 Drink LO 21:30) Sundays and holidays: 12:00~21:00 (Food LO 20:30 Drinks LO 20:30)
  • Regular holiday
    Irregular holiday